New Product Development

We have expanded our suite of products to cater for every aspect of a child’s journey, from the snack meal to the main meal and activity pack giveaway. This means the airline can now present a sophisticated product range to its young flyers with, most importantly, a consistent brand message.

Our new MiniMeal Tray is a reusable 1/3 meal tray, designed to serve snacks neatly and easily. The lightweight rotable tray can be used with the same hot or cold insert dishes as the Quodpod Meal Box and has a handy compartment on the side to separate the drink carton or mini-bottle. Shaped paper liners can be used to create colourful compartments within the tray, and offer additional branding opportunities. The trays are self-supporting in the ATLAS trolley, so no shelves or drawers are needed.

We now also offer a complete design service for your Kids Packs and Activity Books. Packs can be designed with the patented Quodpod clipping system to give the child a take-away that closely mimics the innovative Meal Box they have been served onboard. Alternatively we can provide fashionable bags and backpacks, filled with carefully sourced and branded toys and activities.

If you would like to arrange a meeting during the event please contact us at

Katie Davidson
Tel: +44 (0)845 2268 048